Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Brooklyn Bridge

Genre: Emo
Date: 6.26.04

This is a melodramatic piano number about the last time I was in New York City.  Being there is great.  New York is my muse right now.  When I'm there, though, I really have no idea who I am.  On this particular occasion, I was visiting with a boy and we weren't clicking.  It's asking a lot to click with someone you barely know for an entire weekend, especially when I am displaced and living someone else's life for a few days.  We went for pizza in Brooklyn and we discussed that we weren't clicking.  Then he suggested we walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, which I was very excited about!  I thought it was would amazing - nice, romantic, something I'd remember forever.  It was amazing - the view was heaven and it wasn't at all scary.  And I will remember it forever, because it was so beautiful, but also because I felt so alone up there with him.  That's what this song is about.
From Brooklyn to Manhattan you're three steps in front of me
I'd like to stand in the middle
I don't know which way I'm going
And I'm not sure that I care about anything other than the aching I feel
For you to look back, for you to notice me
Such a silly fantasy
But if I'm going to go there, I'll go there all the way
In it you could take my hand, you could look back and say
"I'm happy you're here in New York with me."
From Brooklyn to Manhattan you're three steps in front of me
You're always way in front of me

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