Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Pillow Fight

Before leaving for NJ to celebrate my birthday with The Family this weekend, I went to Union Square to scope out an alleged Pillow Fight that was scheduled to occur.

I didn't participate because I wanted to test run the new camera outside in the world, and the results were satisfactory. I also didn't participate because of, well, glasses. People with glasses were not allowed to play. Which is fine with me, because I don't think a giant pillow fight with strangers is worth a broken pair of glasses.

The era of digital photography has created this bizarre phenomenon wherein rather than participate in events, people will, instead, make an event out of photographing the event. For example - instead of marching in the Halloween parade this year, I chose, instead, to stand on the sidelines to get good photos, along with everyone else who lives in NYC and has a blog. There were far more photographers than fighters at the Pillow Fight, making it impossible for me to get close enough to actually take pictures of the pillow fighting.

This being said, I could see a lot of the fighting and the feathers covering Union Square (it looked like it was snowing feathers!).

I think the Pillow Fight was most exciting for people who happened to be in Union Square and who came upon the fight accidentally. They were just giddy!, calling their friends on their cell phones saying "Dude, there's a PILLOW FIGHT in Union Square! Awesome!"

So here are some photos of pillows and feathers from Saturday afternoon. Enjoy!

Pillow Fight 1

Pillow Fight 11

Pillow Fight 2

Pillow Fight 3

Pillow Fight 8

Pillow Fight 4

Pillow Fight 5

Pillow Fight 6

Pillow Fight 7

Pillow Fight 10

Pillow Fight 12

Pillow Fight 9

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