Tuesday, November 23, 2004


I have never been the type to procrastinate. I've been accused of being "too productive." I always had the paper written weeks in advance and started studying for finals a month before finals.

I do, however, procrastinate one thing and one thing only. Packing. I can't stand it. I just did millions of dishes to procrastinate packing. I am now sitting on my bed blogging, submerged in a pile of socks and lip sticks and books I might bring and way too many shirts for four days, in order to procrastinate.

I don't know what it is about packing. I loathe it. I despite it above all else. And its only packing for trips. I didn't have issues with packing to move. I was all over it. I did it gradually over weeks so it never really got out of control.

But man. Packing for a few days is torture. I think its because you have to limit what you bring, and as a girl this is infuriating. I'd love nothing more than to bring three different pairs of shoes and all forty three pairs of glasses and every possible skin product and enough clothing options to cover whatever happens with the weather. Like sweaters, shirts, blouses, and two different coats just in case.

But no. It all needs to fit in one bag and can't weigh too much.

It's much easier in the summer because the clothes are smaller and there's not much variability with the weather.


Now I am going to, ahem, pack.

One more thing: Theo from The Cosby Show got HOT. I know this because I was watching the 80's Retrosexual nonsense on VH1 to procrastinate.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all if I don't blog tomorrow, and hope to see some of you this weekend!

1 comment:

Dr. Maureen said...

DUDE! Packing SUCKS! I'll do anything to avoid packing. And the ultimate irony is that I hate packing so much that I do it quickly once I actually get started, but since I spend about 8 hours thinking about packing and how I don't want to pack instead of actually packing, the entire process takes me 8 hours and 15 minutes.

One time, The Husband packed everything for me. I picked out some outfits and put them on the bed and he did the rest! It was awwwshuumm.