Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Karma Officially Trampled (or The Future Is Now)

The Future is now! I am blogging via wireless internet in my bedroom!!!

I had hoped to post photos of my fabulous new glasses but, alas, karma is alive and kicking and my glasses were the wrong prescriptions. Both wrong. In different ways. I put them on and my eyes crossed and with insta-headache pounding I thought "Of course."

Allegedly I can pick them up on Friday if Karma is satisfied.


Anonymous said...

hi leah,

if you still have problems with your new glasses after
the prescription is fixed, make sure that you take with
you your old specs, and bend the frame with the same angles
as your old one.

I actually had major headaches with my new glasses, then
I went back and the person there just said, oh, we need
to bend them the way your used to. I don't know if I'm
describing it well enough.. but the frames' bent position
can make a HUGE diference..

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, that suggestion is from German :)