Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Don Corleone

D saw The Godfather two weeks ago for the first time. He instantly became obsessed and adorably and constantly performed terrible impressions of Marlon Brando that eventually became quite good.

Last night he started watching The Godfather 2. I watched it with him, as The Godfather 2 is amazing and because I've seen it fewer times than The Godfather and still somehow have no idea what's going on.

D kept saying things like "You said The Lars were going to be legitimate in two weeks, and it's been three weeks since you said that! The Lars are ruining this family!" Hilarious.

Anyway, while watching the movie last night, I gasped when DeNiro appeared for the first on film. Seriously. I gasp every time. "Oh my god he's beautiful," I said, hypnotized.

"You really like the flashback scenes."

I think young DeNiro is my ultimate crush. My heart skipped a beat. Hmmmmm.

1 comment:

Beth said...

No, man, I disagree. I am ALL about young Al Pacino. Pacino was SMOKING back then. He was so suave, so sexy. I love that guy. Of course, now he looks like a freak and acts like a clown, but back then - classic! I will give you that DeNiro is a better actor today, but in terms of looks, Pacino's got all the beauty awards.