Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Would someone please tell my dear boyfriend that "dirty windows" is not listed among the reasons why my old apartment is not being rented?

The man is obsessed.

He offered this morning to conduct this evening's apartment viewing so that I could actually go straight home post-work for the first time ever in the new apartment. I'd planned on taking him up on his offer, until I ran into him at work, where he complained about his "stiff neck" and how "so tired" he is and how he wants to "sit in the hot tub tonight" because his neck "hurts so bad."

I feel bad for him and his stiff neck, and don't want him to have to be at the apartment. He should not have to sit at the apartment so that I can relax for one night since it is he who has a stiff neck.

I said "Look, no, don't worry about it. You don't need to be there. I'll go."

"No, I don't mind. Just give me your keys."

"Well, I mind. Your neck hurts. You're in a bad mood. You clearly don't want to do this tonight. You want to sit in the hot tub."

"No, I'll do it."

"Don't worry about it."

"Well, then, can I come and keep you company?"

Much more appealing, because then it wouldn't be complete torture for either of us.

I agreed to the keeping of company.

He called just now and said "I'm coming to get your keys."


"So I can meet people."

"But nobody will be there."

"Why not?"

"Because I told people to come at 6:00 because that's when I can be there."

"Oh, ok. Then I'll meet you up there?"

"Really, you don't have to come. It's ok."

"Well, I really want to clean the windows."


"I bet if you clean the windows people will rent it."


"No, I want to."

"Look, I'm not going to stop you, but every single person who has walked into that apartment has said 'This is the cleanest apartment I've ever seen' followed by 'Wow, the sunlight here is amazing.' I don't think city dust on the windows is the reason people aren't renting it."

"No, but it will make a difference."

"I don't think it will make the difference. Honestly, honey, I'm not sure most people are looking at the outsides of city windows. I know it's important to you but I think they probably know that the windows are going to be gross again in two weeks, especially living above the gas station that sometimes has explosions followed by immense clouds of chemical dust."

"I think it will get rented if I go up there with a towel..."





"No. It is the price and the location and the size and not the outside of the windows. I promise you. Nobody is going to pass up an apartment they actually like because of the windows. Please."

"OK. See you at home."

Am I wrong? Are people really concerned with this? Honestly, when I've seen apartments I've liked I have never noticed the status of the outsides of the windows. I've looked at the insides. I've made sure I can see out of them. I agree with him that a clean window really makes a big difference, but I don't think its a deal breaker, especially not in NYC.

Not to mention the fact that it is not my responsibility to maintain the outside of the building. Yes, if I lived there and I was driven mad by the insantly accumulating city residue on my windows (like D), sure, clean them. But after I've moved out? No.

If he wants to, he can do it, but I don't want to be there if he's doing it whilst in a vile mood.

Which reminds me... I have an apartment to show!

Until tomorrow...


Dr. Maureen said...

This reminds me of what the realtors and everyone tell my parents they must do in order to sell their house. Essentially, they must remove all evidence that actual people live there. They must remove family photos, toothbrushes, the box of donuts on the fridge, knickknacks... It drives me crazy. Do the people at the open house really, truly think that if they buy the house, the toothbruses and knickknacks come with it? So, while I agree with you that dirty windows would not keep me from renting an apartment (you should have seen what our house looked like when the guy still lived there), realtors would probably tell you to wash them. So, I dunno.

Beth said...

Um, he wants to clean the OUTSIDE of the windows? I rarely, if ever, clean the INSIDE of my windows. I can't imagine even THINKING about the outside of windows. I think I am a typical renter... I just don't think of these things. You only live on ONE SIDE of the window and you don't own anything on the outside, so why bother? Did you know that your b-f is INSANE!? Ha ha ha.