Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I love fingerless gloves. Love them.

I'm not a fan of regular gloves.

I prefer mittens.

It seems, though, that the fingerless glove has taken over the mitten market and there are no more cool mittens available for purchase!

This is problematic considering that I lost one of my mittens in the move, and now I have none. And it will get cold. Soon. And I will have a pair of fingerless gloves, which will basically be useless.

The problem is that I want the exact same mittens that I now have one of. I bought these fuzzy pink mittens with NL at Urban Outfitters two years ago and they are the best mittens I've ever had. I want equally cute (warmer, if possible) mittens. Is that asking too much?

This only proves that when you love something, you should buy at least two of them. Because what if you lose it? What if you spill red wine on your favorite shirt? What if what if what if it shrinks!?!?!?

Sniff. I miss my mitten.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I understand mittens... mittens keep your fingers and hands warm. But fingerless gloves? What is the point of them?