Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Who Shot Who?

Oh. My. God.

It's just been announced that this year's holiday party will be at the Copacabana!!!

It is insane that we know this given that it is only October 19th.

It is also insane because this means that I will have to have Barry Manilow in my head for a very, very, very long time.

Any time anyone makes reference to the company party I will have to break out in both song and dance.

I am very excited about the holiday party this year because (a) it's at the Copa, Copacabana... which is (b) the hottest spot right around the corner from my apartment! It is also exciting because (c) we are allowed to bring dates this year! which doesn't apply to me directly, but will mean that there will be opportunities to meet the significant others of coworkers! weee! and (d) it's on a Friday, which means that people will actually come this year and that (e) we can stay out all night, either at the Copa or somewhere else, without ruining the following day's work like last year.

I went to the Copa's website and it's awesomely cheesy because they actually have Barry's "Copacabana" playing, midi-style.


I can't wait.

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