Thursday, July 07, 2005


I hate that jealousy keeps me up at night.

Do insomniacs resent everyone who can sleep?

Or do you get used to things?

I forgot my address today. That's how tired I am. But I am not tired enough to fall asleep while jealous of other girls and while jealous of people who can sleep while other girls are causing all sorts of irrational angst.

If there wasn't someone sleeping obliviously in my apartment right now I would write a song about this.


It is now time for random reading of other people's blogger blogs.

I'll let you know if I find anything good.


Anonymous said...

Yep, jealousy sucks.

In Fitzgerald's "Tender Is the Night" one of the main characters hears a story about how the girl he likes once shared a room with a guy on a train. His imagination soon conjures up images of his girl and this guy going at it. And this image, completely imagined, repeatedly comes up and drives him crazy.

Anonymous said...

Nope, I don't follow. What the heck are you jealous of?

Beth said...

If it helps, I haven't slept through the night in a month. This week has been particularly bad, but it isn't attributable to jealousy. I don't know what it is... but there's no need to be jealous of me!