Wednesday, July 06, 2005


London got the Olympics.

Paris must be pissed.

Just now I listened live and for a moment thought "Come on... come on New York..." even though I think having the Olympics here would be the worst thing ever. Well, it would be the worst thing ever if I am still here in 2012, which will most likely not be the case.

Oh well.

I am up early because I spent the entire night tossing and turning and wondering if I am too insecure to effectively date someone with a harem. I also kept thinking "I have no desire to go back to work" and then "Work is going to be so stressful"" and "Oh man, its going to be stressful science-wise and on top of that I have to see D at work tomorrow and have to hold it together" and "Dear god it is LOUD HERE and I can't sleep." Even ear plugs couldn't block the sounds of midtown traffic. It was also hot.


Now its raining and I have to drop off laundry and mail rent and in better news deposit the $4020 that greeted me yesterday upon my return to NYC!

I am delirious. And insecure. And homesick. And confused. And exhausted. And don't have a headache anymore because I took three Excedrin Migraines yesterday so am nauseous instead.

It's great to be back.


1 comment:

Beth said...

I have a theory that Paris bombed London as retaliation.