Friday, December 03, 2004

Blogs Etc. - An Update

Muppet News Flash:

The writer of the blog from two posts ago - the one in response to which I am experiencing existential agita associated with being reduced to a character in the online saga of someone I don't know well - sent me an email.

To paraphrase:

"wondering how much of my blog you read.... friend was angry with me for sending you the link because, well, you're on the blog... she said it would make you feel weird and that i should delete the posts but i don't want to hide things..."

He then proceeded to tell me how to find the entries about me and then apologized for being "lame" and reducing me to "some impersonal label." He said I could feel free to ask him to clarify things, etc. etc. etc.


Had I done that, I'd have been cowering in my mind thinking "Shit! He's going to hate me, awkward, should I say something? What should I say? Does he hate me? What is he thinking?" and the I'd have avoided confronting it altogether.

I respect the preemptive strike. Good for him! I, for the first time in a long time, respect a man.

I emailed him and said that I had, indeed, already read the posts and explained a bit of my angst. I assured him that I am not mad, only extremely, utterly, and pyschologically weirded out.

I then copied my blog post from yesterday into an email and sent it to him.

Since we're being honest.


Now he will know me for the overthinking psychopath that I am, and he can write a blog post about how Comic Girl #3 turned out to be insane, which was luckily revealed early on through a series of zany blog hijinks!

And then people will comment:

"We knew she was bad news in the making!"

"She seemed like a proto-lesbian, anyway!"

"Glasses? Obviously it was doomed from the start!"


Anonymous said...

Now he can search for your blog with words from the blog. For example, try searching "the entire week has been a wash scientifically" with the quotes into the "blogspot" search engine and "voila!" your blog magically appears. Eventually that will make it to 'google' if he doesn't manage to figure out your blog is at one of the more popular blog-seving sites. May as well just give him your social security number while you're at it ;-)

Leah Lar said...

But if he does stalk my blog and manages to find it, then he deserves to read it. Plus, he'll enjoy it! It is a good blog! And I got to enjoy his, so its fine! FINE! I'm fine!!!!

Beth said...

call me old-fashioned, but I'm really not comfortable with this idea of communicating blog to blog. This new fangled internet computer thingy is just too complex for my simple, cave-man mind. Then again, it's not my life so what discomfort does it cause me? You know how I love to project!