Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Gift Bag

I got this email yesterday from HR at the new company that said "Please stop by my office when you have a chance. I have a gift bag for you."

I thought "How nice! Perhaps there will be OFFICE SUPPLIES in it." Like a company pen! And maybe even a calculator!

Turns out the bags were from their summer outing. Below is the bag's inventory:

1. beach bag (giant outer beach bag with company logo containing the rest of the contents)
2. not one but two pairs company flips flops
3. company baseball cap
4. company visor
5. two company towels (and very NICE towels - big and fluffy and not entirely hideous)
6. sunscreen
7. lip balm
8. aloe
9. company beach ball
10. company frisbee
11. company thing to hold your drink
12. Fossil watch
13. insulated smaller company beach bag within the beach bag
14. Dance Floor Divas CD compilation
15. cool but slightly creepy transparent paperweight thing with vial of company's approved drug on the inside


My former company gave us a beach chair that didn't actually function in any way as a chair.

This being said, my former company was generous with office supplies and didn't require you to accout for your presence during every moment of the day.

But really. A Fossil watch? What am I going to do with it? And the flip flops? And the beach ball?

I am psyched about the towels though - now I can have more visitors because I have more towels! - and the beach bags. Not that I'll be going to the beach ever again since I have no friends, but two beach bags!!!!


Anonymous said...

Dude, can I borrow the lip balm? I totally need some right now.

And also, you need towels? That should have been on my original list. Speaking of the list, we inadvertently gave away the extra mixers, so sorry about that.


Beth said...

Dude, can I have the fossil watch? I am secretly (or not so secretly, now) obsessed with Fossil watches. Plus, I'm betting that the watch is WAY too big for you. Does the watch have a company logo on it, too? That is so ego-centric... but so awesome. My company doesn't have shit. I don't even have business cards!

Leah Lar said...

Yeah, dude, you can totally have the watch. It's not the most attractive fossil watch one could have, but its a watch nonetheless. I didn't even try it on because its not as good as my current fossil watch. And you KNOW you want some company flip flops! YOU ALL DO!!!!!!!!!!

It's bizarre, because we get a company visor but NOT business cards.