Monday, February 05, 2007

Portland Loves to Bowl

I am back from Portland. It was a joy. I seem not to have any jet lag, most likely because after arriving from the red eye I went to sleep for four hours and then still managed to go to bed (and to sleep!) at 11:00 pm. That works out to approximately 9 hours of consciousness yesterday afternoon. Woo! I don't think I ever really adjusted to west coast time.

The photos have been uploaded and are in the process of being dealt with. Once they are organized I will start posting them in all their glory.

It is annoying to be back. I get used to vacation and to living another life so easily. It doesn't help that it's approximately 5 degrees out there pre-wind chill and I am without cash and without groceries, which means stopping not once but twice on the way home from work to run errands. I think its too cold for food and money, but I want to eat non-stop when the weather is this way so I've no choice!

But yes, I had a great time. The city is small, cute, cheap, and surrounded by glory. The nature was best, the cheese factory a close second. One of my greatest pleasures is discovering new places with D. When we are having the same experience our relationship works best. This is why we love to travel to new places together. Hopefully next will be Japan, since the prospects seem bleak on the plane ticket and the job search.

More when the visual aids are ready.

Until tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

when might you go to japan? i just signed up to teach a short course there for spring break - free trip to tokyo for me!


Leah Lar said...

oooh... i might be so jealous of you! i think it would be in april or may, so it might be post-spring-break. curses!!! when are you going to be there?