Friday, March 17, 2006


D and I went to another taping of Inside the Actor's Studio last night. The guest was Don Cheadle! Sorry, kids, I am still gushing with love for James Lipton.

Some thoughts:

Don Cheadle looks exactly like my friend PE from Boston. It's uncanny.

I want Don Cheadle to be my friend. He's just... nice.

For the entire taping, I had Mos Def's Do It Now in my head, because in it Mos says "I'm black like Don Cheadle shoutin' 'power to the people!'"

Don Cheadle has apparently been a serious actor since he was in, like, 5th grade, when he played Templeton in his elementary school's production of Charlotte's Web. He said he actually researched rat psychology so that he could play the part convincingly. In typical fashion, Lipton asked Don Cheadle if he remembered any of the songs from the musical and if so, he was then required to sing them. I've never seen the show on stage, but I was quite fond of the cartoon as a child. When Don Cheadle started singing "A fair is a veritable smorgasbord orgasbord orgasbord.... after the crowds have ceased" I totally tripped out. I had completely forgotten that there were songs in the cartoon! And so I had that in my head all night.

Nobody can convince me that Crash was a good movie, not even Don Cheadle himself. They showed clips and I wanted to stage a revolt.

Don Cheadle's performance in Hotel Rwaanda is one of the best performances I've ever seen. I got goose bumps watching the clips. The man is good.

Yeah. It was good. When we got home we made cookies and watched The Tenants, which was not good aside from Snoop Dogg, who was, as always, awesome.

And then I fell asleep, without the aid of ear plugs, which is a big deal folks. I think I've been able to sleep a total of 5 times in my current apartment without them. I was thrilled.

The weekend is nearly upon us. And I'm here this weekend. Yes! Although I have to shop for a stupid dress for a wedding, which I am not happy about, but whatever. There will be fun intermingled with stupid shopping, although I am planning my wardrobe overhaul (long story) so am hoping to get a start this weekend, which could be fun. OK. Time for lunch. Later!

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