Sunday, March 12, 2006


I went to MA this weekend and came back to NYC not having any idea what I want to do with my life. I thought I'd figured it all out. Was I just missing what I couldn't have?

When I arrived in NYC, I was thrilled! I was so glad to be back. Alone. Was I glad because I know I won't have this for much longer? Or is this what I really want?

While we were walking around Boston I said "D, I'm not sure that I want to live here."

I *know* I don't want to live in Boston.

I *know* I miss my friends and family, but that's all that I miss about Boston. It's not Boston itself. It's smallness and comfort and security.

If I could take all of my friends and family and transplant them here and also have a job and also live with my boyfriend and also go to school at night, I'd be the happiest person ever.

I am a miserable person right now because I don't know where to go. I don't know what to do when I get there. D bought a camera today and now I feel like I don't even have that anymore. I don't want to share everything. I'm not sure that I'm ready. I feel like that dream is gone (I am an irrational psycho, I know, but must I share everything? can't I have my own thing? can't I be the one who plays piano and takes pictures? can't I be allowed to shine even just a little bit?), and so is Boston, and what am I doing?!

I am making a list of pros and cons. I just don't know if I'm ready. I don't like having all of these huge decisions forced on me. I want to be in control of my life. I don't want some corporate douchebag who wants another million dollars in his bank account to make me uproot my entire life when I'm not ready.

I want to be able to share this with D. I want to be like "Dude, I'm freaking the fuck out right now!" and I want him to somehow say the right thing. Not that I know what the right thing is. I don't know what's right. I don't know what to do. I'm feeling a bit hopeless right now, which is assinine given that there's probably the most hope now. I can do anything I want, but what do I want? What if I mess up? Again? What if what if what if what if....


The problem is this: I am not ready to move, at all. Yes, I have my issues with NYC, and it's frustrating. There are things I hate. But I've been here for less than two years, and I don't feel like I'm finished. I ultimately want to move back to Boston, be close to my family, raise my own. Just not now. There are things I need to do here, I have to grow, and if I move back, I think I'm done.

I have been toying with the idea of San Francisco, but D says it's the individual, not the city, that makes one unhappy. I don't know if I agree. I think circumstances do contribute to happiness or despair. I think D sees the ability to be unhappy as the ultimate weakness.

"What if I hate it there again?"
"You have to make the best of wherever you are."

"What if I'm bored?"
"Then that's your fault. How can you be bored? I can't even remeber the last time I was bored."

"I was bored there before."
"How could you possibly be bored? Even if you're living somewhere boring, there is always literature to read!"

"What if I'm the sort of person who needs newness?"
"Then that's your problem and you need to find a way to deal with it, and make the best out of the old."

"What if I go back to school and I'm uninspired?"
"If you're a real artist, it shouldn't matter where you are."

"But I didn't even pick up a camera until I got to New York. I didn't think I had anything to say, anything to show, anything to offer."
"You could feel like that in San Francisco too."

"What should I do?"
"I think only you can answer that."

"What do you think I should do?"
"I'm not you."

"If you were me, what would you do?"
"I would try to identify what's really freaking you out. Like figure out what a therapist would say. It's not Boston or San Francisco or New York that's the issue. It has nothing to do with where you are. It's something about YOU."

"What do you think it is?"
"You're commitment-phobic."

"True. I don't want to settle down. Boston is it, man."

"Well, we're moving there to be grownups. I'm not ready to be responsible."
"Why can't we move somewhere else later?"

"Why can't we move somewhere else now?"

"I'm scared shitless. I'm scared of school. I'm scared about not having any money. I don't know if I should go full-time. I don't know if I should go to school here. I think its best to go to photography school in NYC."
"The money..."

"But if I go to school full-time in Boston you will have to pay the rent... what do you think about that?"
"I haven't thought about that."

"Of course you haven't. Have you thought about these things at all?"
"I've only thought of your happiness. I just want you to be happy. Pennies don't matter. I thought you were going to be happy in Boston. That's why I would move there. I wouldn't move there on my own, and don't read into that."

"Awww shucks."
"Just be happy. Figure out a way to be happy."

I felt better after we talked, but I still feel like I just have to make a decision for us without actually involving him, which is an additional stress.

What if I can't ever be happy?


I'm useless right now.


Anonymous said...

Boston boring?!?!!? ok, relative to NYC maybe... I can agree..

BUT.. Come to St. Louis... you will witness what boredom really is...

Boston is a wonderland by comparison...

and yes, Chicago is my oasis of the midwest... love the pictures...

goddamn fcking st louis! ugh!


Leah Lar said...

Right. I think the problem is that everything will seem boring compared to NYC.

But you're right - there IS a lot going on in Boston, and compared to St. Louis... yeah. Nothing there.

G - when are you going to be finished? I feel like you've been there for decades!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't want to jinx myself, but
there is some hope.. I think I'll be able to get done by Dec 2006. Maybe earlier if things go really well and the gods of thesis committees looks kindly upon me and convinces the professors to let me go.

The moment I get the diploma, you'll know it because I'll be screaming at the top of my lungs "I'm leaving St Louis!!!!!!!!!!!"... followed by "fck grad school! fck science! fck it all!"

I feel like running off to Argentina for a year and hide out there until I get my head screwed on straight again...

Don't worry Leah, you'll be fine - things will sort themselves out eventually. I like the San Fran idea... two or three years there would be a lot of fun...

Anonymous said...

I think life is more about what you have going for you than where you are. I believe understanding this takes a certain level of maturity; I think you should be there, but if you're not I'm sure you will be.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, do you sometimes have trouble getting laid? Or making friends? Or, like, keeping them?

Realize that those things take sensitivity and the ability to supress being a douche-bag. You ought to be there, but if you're not, I'm sure you will be.

Anonymous said...

Wow, strange responses..

I guess some people like St Louis and felt the need to attack my person. Rather than offer reasons why St Louis isn't so bad.

If you don't like my opinions, then fine, disagree. But with respect to the other stuff, take a chill pill. :P


Anonymous said...

oh yes, and 1904 World's Fair...

you know a city is lame when all they have to brag about is something that happened 100+ years ago..

Anonymous said...

you guys ought to leave anonymous alone, he's a good guy with a fantastic head on his shoulders.


ps: you know, she doesn't have to write all this stuff down for everyone to see and comment on, now does she?