Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Some Thoughts on The Strike

Admittedly, I was much more excited about The Strike last time. This is because the original strike was slated to occur on a Friday, which meant only one day of weird commuting and then a relaxed weekend during which nothing could be done. Movie watching, cooking, piano playing, phone calls, etc. The Strike's occurring during the week is no good. It's no good because now there will be many days of weird commuting, coupled with not being able to go home if I stay at D's. Ugh.

This is not the end of the world because I am heading to MA on Thursday. Thus, if The Strike goes on for 11 days like last time, I will not be majorly affected.

In addition, for each day of The Strike, we get a free day on our monthly unlimited ride Metro Card, which rules!

This is bad timing for me, selfishly, as our department holiday lunch is scheduled for today. Normally they have it a restaurant that is close by, but this year they chose to have it somewhere that's not within walking distance, so now we all have to walk for 30 minutes in the cold to get there.

It's actually not freezing cold. I bundled up today for my walk to work - sweater, hoodie, scarf, hat, above-the-knee socks. I wasn't cold at all. In fact, I removed my hat for a portion of the commute and didn't wear gloves at all.

I ended up not walking all the way, though, as the police presence throughout midtown was a bit much to handle. They were re-directing traffic, causing pedestrian pile-up. I decided to take the PATH from 33rd to Christopher Street and walk to work from there.

I think I like the strike.

People were definitely being cute, talking to one another, making jokes. The business people were chill about not being at work on time. And the best thing? Little kids going to school! I never get to see little kids en route to school but because the school start time was delayed by two hours, I got to see them! YAY!

There is also that sense of cred we all feel for having been involved with this. There's something interesting - the novelty, the "How did you get to work?" conversations you have with people you never talk to, having a shared panic with your entire city.

People in the city have been comparing the feeling to that of a snow day.

It's sort of exciting.

Working together, carpooling with strangers, exchanging knowing glances with others who have painful feet.

It's awesome.

OK. That is all.

More later.


Beth said...

You are too funny. Bonding during suffering, huh?

Anonymous said...

i'd be interested to see how awesome you think it is if it starts happening all the time.