Saturday, August 06, 2005

Half Day Fridays

It is Saturday and I feel like its Sunday because I had yesterday off. Life can be so lovely sometimes.

On Thursday night my fellow workmates and I went for half-priced drinks at the Fat Black Pussy Cat. I ordered two Fat Black Pussycats and, as usual, was ruined. In the good way, though, wherein drunkenness makes you honest and unable to walk in a straight line and somehow infinitely more charming than you are when sober. After much drinking and giggling and trying to fit our bodies inside a weird Egyptian sarcophagus that was near our couches at Fat Black, we headed East to grab some of the best pizza I've ever had before seeing The Cloud Room play at Mercury Lounge.

My friend SM from Boston is currently the keyboardist for the Cloud Room, which is a band that is currently approved of by Hipster Nation. It was nice to see SM and very exciting to see him play again:

Cloud Room at Mercury Lounge - 8.05

Cloud Room - Steve - Mercury Lounge 8.05

We then went home because we are old, although I think I could have stayed out for many more hours.

Yesterday was mostly sloth and then a trip to Williamsburg:

Williamsburg - Sunset 3

I was afraid that I'd get nostalgic, but the combination of heat and my heavy bag prevented me from really experiencing anything other than discomfort.

Williamsburg - Sunset 2

I do, however, miss the view:

Williamsburg - Sunset 1


We walked around a bit and could have spent hours looking through books and CD's and for a couch for D, but instead ate dinner at Anytime, which I miss but not as much any more, and didn't get knishes at Pita Power because it has closed! Ridiculous.

We then headed to Rooftop Film's presentation of the Found Footage Festival. If you have the opportunity to see this where you live, please, do yourself a favor and see it.

It's found videos - from absurd promotional insurance videos to home movies to the Wendy's instructional rap video on how to properly cook hamburger patties. There was this really old Arnold Schwarzenagger video in which he goes to Carnevale and engages in all manner of gross womanizing. There were a bunch of silly exercise videos from the 80's (a Playgirl one and one featuring Patrick Swayze and his mother and another one with Angela Lansbury talking about post-menopause sexuality!), a, gasp, penis pump video, various local access type shows and this hilarious man who wrote songs about all of the zodiac signs and then performed them while wearing a tuxedo while some girl interpretative danced behind him while he sang "P...p...p...Pisces!." The best was a seamless edit of outtakes from a Winebago sales video in which the salesman curses nonstop that had me in tears. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

And now I am catching up on home projects like CD burning and blogging and nail painting. I love having an extra day.

Until the week...

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