Tuesday, February 13, 2007


On days like these I worry about not having an office to go to. Freelancing is awesome for flexibility, but maybe flexibility sucks when you don't have something constant in your life. I wonder if I'll miss the occasional drunken lunch with soon-to-be-gone coworkers. I wonder if I'll care about anyone professionally.

I had too much wine, and am thus relaxed and stress-free.

My alleged birthday party is this weekend and it seems like nobody can come because of the President's Day conflict, which is terribly ironic given that as a child I always had this issue but this year my birthday is not on president's day weekend but I still have to celebrate it then because of the potential wedding conflict.

The weekend was busy but good. Friday night was dinner and drinks with D and MY. A coconut martini and key lime pie martini were unplanned but necessary. Saturday was Little Children with R followed by aimless wandering in midtown and then cookies and photos at ICP. R and I met up with D and coordinated a spontaneous fondue dinner party with too much wine, after which I met up with NR for free Lilly Allen at Webster Hall. We met up with D in the East Village and did some minor socializing, then went to another function in the East Village where we talked some more. I was tired and lacking in plans and decided to go home. I hadn't taken a cab in forever. I guess I really am saving money. Sunday was Notes on a Scandal with D and then lunch with E and then errands and then road trip to sad NJ Target and then cold-caused exhaustion.

Tonight - more drinks! Yeah! So sad to say farewell to someone who makes your days better. He's off to brighter places and a better future, so I am sad for me but thrilled for him. Things like this are finite - I'm never going to see him again, and I don't like that. Things will be different here with him gone. They will be worse, wrong.

Such is life, such is adulthood. You're less deluded with more years of experience.

I think I need more wine.

Until tomorrow...

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