Monday, May 08, 2006

Not In The Mood Today

I am not in the mood to work. There is much to be done, but do I want to do it? No. The work is comprised of many small tasks, the sort of small tasks that can pile up and vex you at day's end. I'm trying, I swear.

I'm a bit burnt from the weekend. Not sure why - I got plenty of sleep and plenty of time to indulge in mundane projects around the home. I've been feeling fuzzy-headed and faint as of late, which can be confused with being tired. And the headaches - oh my. I guess lots o' drugs can make you feel cloudy.

Nevertheless, the weekend was full.

A summary:

Lamest party ever to celebrate Cinco de Mayo on Friday night. I resent wealth that is not earned. I loathe former prep-school douchebags who drop hedgefund terminology to seem relevant. I hate giant flat screen TVs in kitchens. I hate feeling awkward around mariachi bands. I hate models. I hate dogs in pocketbooks. I hate entitlement.

Got home early in order to sleep. Didn't catch up on Netflix because School of Rock was on and I'd never seen it. Did projects.

Had breakfast with a coworker and her sons before they took our shelves away from us - thank you thank you THANK YOU. Her 13-year-old was eager to impress. I told him that I liked his shaggy hair and he was sold. He dropped comics knowledge and smiled so hard it made me want to cry when he found out that I too like The Beastie Boys. I forced Watchmen upon him and know that it will blow his mind. He wants to see X-Men 3 with us.

Met up with PW and The New Boy for a Tribeca Film Fest film that was sold out. No David Duchovny in a comedy for us! Plan B involved the Hell's Kitchen Flea Market, sweet and salty at Amy's Bread, brief detour at the new abode and then gawking at David Blaine in the bubble (photos forthcoming). For some reason I love a spectacle, and moreso a spectacle that manages somehow miraculously to soothe.

Walked too much and walked then to the Amish Market which is not an Amish Market at all. There are indeed Amish goodies there but also a plethora of fancy foods, a mere three blocks from the new abode! I meant only to buy vegetables but left with other things I needn't ever eat.

Did more projects prior to attending D's friend's birthday party in Guam... er... Brooklyn. Sat on the roof and shivered. Devoured delicious vegetarian sandwiches and salads. Nursed a deadly daquiri and was eventually defeated by a fly's being stuck within. "Waiter, there's a fly stuck in my daquiri." Stared at a cute kit. "This cat is thin!" I said. What a stupid thing to say.

Home early yet again to sleep in preparation for D's race.

Talked to LBF and can't wait to see her. I canNOT wait. I cannot!

D won the biathlon! HE WON!!! My boy has no confidence regarding things about which he should have confidence. He has blind faith in the intentions of others, but none in his own abilities. So endearing. I smothered him with proud kisses as soon as I could. He said he thought of me for the entire race, saying he wanted to make his girl proud. I said I was proud no matter what. I'm proud that he rides a bike at all, dear god. I'm proud of his dedication to and enthusiasm for things. I'm proud of him for wearing his cute superhero bike outfit. I'm proud of him for getting up at 6 am. I'm proud to know him, proud to be with him, proud to be the person who makes him happy.

We went for lunch to celebrate. His suggestion that he start competing nationally and assertion that I will come to support him! promptly resulted in my having a meltdown about finances. "We can't live like this," I said. "We need a budget." "We need to prioritize." "We have spent an absurd amount of money this past month and we cannot get it back." He said "We will save it." I said "We will not, because we live in New York City. You can't save money here." We decided on no more eating out and no more popcorn at movies and fewer movies anyway and will make a list of possible vacation destinations because I really need a vacation. And a keyboard. And a filter for my lens. And lens cleaner. And more photo albums. And an alarm clock. And new sheets. And a coffee table. And a flash. And an external hard drive.

We stopped by to see David Blaine again.

We walked too much and didn't get curtains or sheets.

D napped while I did a long-overdue categorization of thousands of photos.

We interrupted eating and more eating with projects around the house. We hooked up the stereo in its final home. We stared at the walls and didn't hang anything up. We forgot to eat the corn. We watched Mrs. Henderson Presents and I gushed over Dame Judy. We are in desperate need of a vacation.

D is going on vacation this week. Work for him is not as much of an issue, nor is money, so he's off to sleep and swim and read and watch movies and mow lawns.

This means, for yours truly, that I will not be forced to do projects round-the-house for five whole days! Luxury. I am going to sleep and read and watch movies and sleep in the middle of the bed. This will be a good week.

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