Thursday, May 11, 2006

Disable Cookies

It's been a while since I've written.

Not writing is a result of being busy at work, feeling boring, feeling like nobody is reading (but does that really matter? the blog is for me), feeling sick, etc.

This is what has been consuming my time as of late:

Hanging stuff on walls.

Coming to terms with the possibility of no more cookies.

Trying to decide what to do with all of the cookies that will never be eaten by me.

Trying to decide what exercise videos to purchase.

Getting rubber cement all over my hands.

Looking through archives of photographs to not hang on the walls.

Experiencing anxiety about the stupid apartment when I actually remember the stupid apartment (how lovely it is to no longer be obsessed) that is allegedly rented, about which they said "We'll let you know" but of course they have not let me know. Ugh. This is tiresome.

Making slides and being uncharacteristically assertive so as to avoid being micromanaged like some lame seminar-giving puppet.

Not having much of a life due to double rent being paid for two months (not to mention due to the paying of ridiculous realtor fee).

Saving money. Yes!

Reading D's magazines.

Sleeping in the middle of the bed.

Yearning for vacation.

Searching for frames and alarm clocks and vacations.

Not blogging regularly.

I'll be back to normal soon, I promise. I think once the apartment is rented and I have a grasp on what my life should be like, I'll feel settled and normal and can go back to living and looking forward instead of being stuck.


Boring boring boring. See!?


Reb said...

Woah......Why NO COOKIES???????

Explain yourself woman!!!

Lissa said...

I read everyday Leah, if that counts for anything. I've saved so much money on books this year!

Beth said...

I think the whole "no cookies for the rest of your life" thing is a bit overstated. You will eat a cookie again in your lifetime. You may not be able to GORGE on cookies, but you will have a cookie. You know, there are sugar-free and low-sugar cookies available! The Atkins craze has brought some interesting products to the market.

Miss Pickle said...

Sending some rent-the-apartment-now-and-let-Leah-know-ASAP-so-that-she-can-relax vibes!

And why no cookies? That's just cruelty!