Monday, May 15, 2006

Finger Puppets!!!

I ate breakfast today.

I then walked 87 miles to the train in the rain. It really seems like 87 miles when it's pouring.

The weekend was good. Real good.

It started off with macaroni and cheese and one deadly glass of wine with J. We tried to get a psychic reading but were turned away! Do psychics really make enough money to turn people away? I think not! I bought sugar-free goodies and flowers and went home and read and watched The Dying Gaul and slept lots.

I woke up early on Saturday to meet up with LBF, but my plans were thwarted when I discovered that my key to my building no longer worked. I buzzed my neighbors furiously. 2C let me in.

I knocked on their door and said "Hi - ummm - I'm your new neighbor. Have you guys been having trouble getting into the building lately?" 2C explained that this happens at times, and that you just have to jiggle the key in the lock.

I said "But I can't even get my key into the lock at all!"

2C offered to come downstairs with me to demonstrate his jiggling technique. Nice! We discovered that there was indeed something wrong with my key in particular- it was too thick? Curse you, Home Depot! 2C went above and beyond the neighborly call of duty and gave me his key from which to have a new copy made. I ran to a hardware store, made a copy of his key, had my pre-existing key adjusted, ran back to my apartment, let myself into the building (sweet!) after an older couple explained that they'd been locked out for 10 minutes but had moments before jiggled themselves in, ran up to 2C, thanked him profusely, and ran to meet LBF at Rockefeller Center.

There we partook in Art Rock. It was cool. Here are some photos:








We then headed down to Chelsea to check out the John Waters exhibit. Our plans were thwarted when we encountered a street fair! Oh how I love me a street fair.


LBF bought 12 magnets for $5.







For me she purchased a magnet shaped like the perfect food - avocado. Yummmmm.


There were, of course, finger puppets.


And most importantly, a Yoda finger puppet!


And candied apples.


And candied strawberries.


And outfits for your cell phone.


And corn.


Oh how I love a street fair!

We ate burritos and then went to the gallery. I bought a much-needed deep frame at a neighborhood stoop sale on 23rd for $7! Jackpot! We headed downtown to see a disturbing cartoon festival (but awesome - probably one of the best cartoon festivals I've seen - it was consistently good) at The Film Forum. We meandered. We lingered in Washington Square Park. We wandered up to Union Square and ate Indian food. We saw a show at Upright Citizen's Brigade (hilarious - with a skit about puppets!).

It is lovely when people visit because rather than tend to chores and other city nonsense errands blah blah blah, I get to enjoy the city and remember why I live here. I live here because you can walk around aimlessly and be pleasantly suprised by a vat of finger puppets.

After letting myself into the building without a problem because someone has duct taped the lock so the door no longer locks at all, I framed my project in the deep frame after much duress and after slicing my finger open with one of those little brackets in the back of the frame that folds over to keep the art inside. It was gory. Blood dripping everywhere. I watched a bit of Battle In Heaven and decided that I wasn't in the mood to be disturbed. I read and slept lots again.

I have decided that productivity gives me confidence. Yesterday was one of the more productive days I have ever had. I woke up early. I did laundry. I read The Village Voice. I cleaned the apartment from top to bottom in anticipation of our party on Wednesday and of my parents' visit this coming weekend. I ate breakfast and lunch. I talked to Father. I watched some more of Battle in Heaven and decided that I still couldn't handle it. I talked to Mother en route to B & H. I bought the long-overdue polarizing filter and lens cleaner. B & H is magic even on the weekends. I went to Duane Reade. I discovered a small shop that sells vintage/retro glassware and plates. Delicious. I bought only two with polka dots hoping for D's approval and the go-ahead to buy many, many more. I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and bought new space-efficient photo albums and a curtain. I went home and transferred every single photo from the old photo albums into the new ones. I uploaded photos from the weekend. I ordered prints of photos from the past two months. I cleaned the lens (finally! no more of R's fingerprints in my photos!). I finally watched the rest of Battle in Heaven and will spend the rest of my life trying to forget that I ever saw it. It's an amazing and elegant movie but I can't recommend it to you because I don't recommend that any of you torture yourselves. I played piano for hours. I sang showtunes at the top of my lungs. I made the bed because D was coming home and I know how much he likes a neat bed. I fixed my hair in anticipation of his arrival. I contemplated putting on makeup but decided that makeup in the house is excessive when greeting your boyfriend who should in theory be excited to see you after a week no matter what you look like. I listened to the new Stills album two more times and decided that I don't hate it and actually really like it and can't wait for the show. I made dinner when D arrived. I tried not to miss the quiet. I tossed and turned and missed sleeping in the middle, but enjoyed hearing his breathing.

It was a good weekend. I got lots done, but also had fun. Actually, it was a perfect weekend.


Dr. Maureen said...

How are the "space-efficient" photo albums space-efficient? Are they expensive? I am in the process of printing out about 2 years worth of photos to put in albums.

In other news, The Husband and I stayed home from work today because of rain! A rain day! The schools were even closed! We probably could have driven in, but we had to pump out the basement.

Miss Pickle said...

I have the same question as mo about the photo albums...also, what kind of camera do you shoot with?

And street fairs are awesome! I am jealous of the magnets. I want some.

Leah Lar said...

Here are the best photo albums ever:

Perfect because:

1. Inserts instead of sticky. Key.

2. The inserts have black backs, and my inserts must be black instead of white or clear.

3. They are 2x2, hence the space efficiency. My old ones were 2x1 and therefore held only 2 photos per page (well, 4 if you count both sides). These hold 432 each.

4. Instead of being thick (1x2 or 1x3, whatever), they are long, which I prefer and I think is very classy looking. This is only good, though, if you have deep shelves for them. I now have fabulous backless modular shelving so I can just stick them through the back.

They rule.

I shoot with:

1. Olympus C-740 UZ, old school. The pictures from the street fair were with that camera. I LOVE this camera and recommend the newest model to anyone who's in the market. The colors are crisp, 10x optical zoom, point and shoot option but also good manual control. Only problem is that its a big bulky by today's standards.

2. Canon EOS 20-D, fancy. Some of the photos from David Blaine were with that camera. Not as crisp images and the color isn't as good as the Olympus, but the control is superior and since its an SLR you can get better photos. They just require more in post production. I have a 17-85 mm lens, f 4. And a telephoto I never use because I always forget to bring it with me. Also my current camera bag isn't big enough to carry accessories. Oh well.

And finally...

I think LBF might have some magents for you.
