Friday, April 07, 2006

NYC Apartment the Third

Holy growing up, Batman!

I am moving into an apartment with my boyfriend.

We are signing the lease in one hour's time.

We (we? we!) will soon be residents of Hell's Kitchen.

Funny. We hadn't ever talked about seriously living together until last weekend, which means that it took us precisely 5 days to make sure sure sure that we will be good at living together, find and then secure an apartment. We spent so much time discussing who would sell what, which was a waste of time because our new fabulous apartment is big enough to have everything! Our new fabulous apartment has enough cabinet space for me to finally inherit my mother's pasta maker! Our new fabulous apartment has enough living room space for us to have 30 people over! Our new fabulous apartment has a bedroom in the back that will allow me to, finally, sleep! Our new fabulous apartment has like four drawers in the kitchen! Two normal size closets and one double closet! A working fireplace! Laundry in the basement!

Now all we have to go is conjure up an obscene amount of money, get keys, sand brick, change addresses, collect boxes, move a piano, and voila! Grown ups.

It's funny. My main concern right now is that my tax refunds and Canon rebates will be sent to the wrong address. But I guess that makes sense when you're about to give thousands of dollars to sketchy realtors.

Oh man. D just called. We're off to sign a lease! I am going to throw up, but its awesome! Weeeee!


Beth said...

WOW! Congratulations! The apartment sounds awesome! I can't wait to see it! When will you move?

Keep us posted! Good luck!

Dr. Maureen said...

Yes, this is cool. And it sounds like there will be room for the unbreakable wine glasses! Woo!

Lissa said...

Congrats on the new pad!
Don't forget pictures for those of us who are nowhere near NYC!