Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Mashed Po

Apparently I am not the only one with the mashed-potato buffet issue.

As of late, I've been treating myself to the new and fantastic hot/cold buffet at this cafeteria-esque restaurant across the street. It's heaven! You can do things like mix teriyaki vegetables with fried plantains and candied yams and cucumer salad and pesto pasta primavera.

The problem is that they have mashed potatoes every day! And, of course, mashed potatoes rule. I could eat a meal comprised entirely of mashed potatoes. Why don't I, you ask? Because mashed potatoes weigh more than other types of food. And the buffet is pay-by-the-pound.

Here is the problem. You always want mashed potatoes, but the minute you put the mashed potatoes on your plate, you realize "Crap, those weigh a ton." And then you compensate by getting far less from the buffet than you'd like.

Yesterday, The Boss said "How was your lunch?"

"It was good," I said, "But I'm still starving."


"Because I have this issue with the hot/cold buffet."


"It is, but I always want the mashed potatoes."

"Me too! But they weigh so much!"

"Right! So I'm always starving."

"ME TOO!!! I feel your pain."

I feel so much better knowing that other people have a mashed potato addiction that prevents them from ever feeling full. It is nice to know that I am no alone in the world.


Beth said...

That is weird. I love mashed potatoes, but I am suspicious of mashed potatoes that appear in a buffet. I have to say that I would NEVER serve myself mashed potatoes that I didn't know the origin of. What if they were made from a box? The horror!

Leah Lar said...

Dude! I sometimes make mashed potatoes from the box and they are sooooo good. Seriously. You wouldn't think they would be, but they are actually BETTER than actual mashed potatoes because you don't have to worry about ratio of potatoes to milk to butter etc. So they always come out creamy and wonderful. Hmmmm. I want mashed potatoes!