Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Life Out of Balance - Part 2

There was a lot to digest last night. A weird night. Weird. Am feeling a bit old, a bit ineffective, a bit insecure, a bit mortal. I'll write more on this later. Nevertheless...

In my attempt to blaze through Netflixes prior to leaving for Orlando, I decided to watch The Sea Inside. Not the best movie to watch when one is feeling bizarre, but man. Javier Bardem. I completely forgot that he wasn't a 60-year-old quadripalegic, which is pretty hard given that he's one of the most beautiful people to have ever graced the planet. Good movie.

The plan was to then go to D's to watch Koyaanisqatsi, which we decided would be really really amazing or trite. My vote leaned towards pretentious, but I said I'd give it a chance.

First of all, the opening song. OK. Do I like Philip Glass? I can't decide. It depends on my mood. I can't get the goddamn song out of my head. Male voices chanting Koyaanisqatsi really lowly, really slowly, really monotonously. I can't get them to stop!!! It's infuriating.

Second of all, it is possible that I've seen it before! This boy I knew shortly after graduating college, who I did not kiss although I really wanted to, took me to see a Philip Glass scored film at the Wang Center. I was dragged, but I'd have done anything to spend time with him. All I remembered was the Philip Glass music and people moving around really frenetically in a city. Weird.

Third of all, the reason that I didn't remember having seen it was because I had terrible violent food poisoning during my viewing it! Crazy! I kept saying "I think I have seen this but its so foggy because I had food poisoning... I was so delirious... and I kept having to run out... and this might actually be why I hold slight animosity towards Philip Glass for no reason at all!"

Therefore, Koyaanisqatsi is to blame for D's food poisoning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just keep thinking "I want it that way ..." and Koyaanisqatsi will simply disappear into the ether.