Monday, July 26, 2004

Start Spreadin The News

Alternate Title: Glial Cell Pornographers
Genre: Piano Melodrama
Date: 7.24.04


I went to a party on Saturday night.  It was ok.  The scene was tough on a single heterosexual city girl because probably 75% of the male demographic there was gay.   In the cases where straight-ness was obvious, I obviously wasn’t interested.   Straight boys don’t have a chance in this sort of environment.  

I was moody all night because I am potentially on the verge of a huge transition and I don’t know what I should be doing with myself.    I wasn’t up for mingling, so Spider and I kept to ourselves and rehashed our usual diatribe about how people at parties aren’t creative and how we can’t find other people like us.

Other than that, the main conversation was how Spider hates his name and how he thinks it would be cool if when you hit a certain age you were legally obliged to change your name to reflect your grown-up personality.  We spent about an hour and a half trying to come up with a new name for him - it was tough, though.  Mitch?  Jay?  Rufus?

When it came to re-naming me, I proposed “Bella” or “Cynicalia” or “Snobbinia.”  Spider suggested “Bitchy Face” and then said “Val.”  I was thrilled by this due to its Tiffany-Amber-Thiessen-ness but also just because I like the name and think I am convincing as a Val.  He said “But not Valerie.  Valkyrie.”  Yes.  Yes yes yes.  This is great for many reasons, the most important of which is that I would have theme music.  And its origin suggests very cool parents.  And its bad ass.  And subtle, because I can just be “Val.”   Yes yes yes.   I am seriously considering just being “Val” if/when I move.

We also discussed my potentially changing my entire life soon, and how I romantically hope that NY will make me more often manic.  This song is basically what Spider said in response to that.    


Spider said “New York is the end of the line.”

“If New York sucks you might as well kill yourself.”

I’m afraid he’s right
If I can’t be happy there I can’t be happy anywhere

Spider said “New York is the end.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yoda says:

"New York is not the end.. it is a beginning..
For each move is always a beginning.."

-German :)