Thursday, May 24, 2007

Revelation of the Day

Brother's 5th grade chorus sang one of the same songs as my 5th grade chorus!

"Inch by inch, row by row, gonna make this garden grow!"

Oh, the confusion. I was singing along, looking at the kids, thinking "Wait, those aren't my classmates... wtf?"

And now Brother is doing a solo. I can't handle it. I keep dreaming that I'm in high school and wake up cross after discovering that I am an adult.

My siblings are lucky that I love them as much as I do because ancient home videos could be a You Tube extravaganza. If I was to post this, Brother could easily retaliate by posting a clip from my 1990 birthday party sleepover at which large-glasses-me and my friends sing Biz Markie's "Just A Friend" at the top of our lungs, followed by the theme song from "The Brady Bunch."

It keeps getting better and better.

Oh my! Brother is doing a solo of The Sound of Music's "So Long, Farewell!"

"Cuckoo, cuckoo...."

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