Tuesday, July 11, 2006


You see, the thing is that I think I may be over NYC.

D suggested that we go to this pirate ship ham celebration on Chelsea Pier tonight.

I looked at him like he had three heads when he asked if I as interested.

"I have no interest," I said.


"It's a celebration of ham," said I.

"But pirates!" he said.

"Yes, but ham."

What I really meant was "There's nothing I want to do more than go grocery shopping, go home, cook something, eat something healthy finally, look at the photos from the trip since I didn't get to yet because we went to the movies last night, sleep, get over the jet lag, get rid of the cough, nurse the headache, get my voice back, and just be at home, because I haven't been at home in forever."

Things have changed. I am trying to figure out if I would be thrilled by the idea of people dressed like pirates on a Tuesday night and socializing with these strangers were I not sick/jet lagged/malnourished.

I think I'm over it.

I might be over it because I've been away, away from those who believe themselves to be ultra-hip, instead around people who "enjoy life" and are happy just being happy, wearing whatever they'd like and doing whatever they'd like with their time, not concerning themselves with hipster playgrounds and not cramming every minute of their lives with transient nonsense.

And therefore I am praying to The Dolphin (I wondered this morning at 6 am if God might be a dolphin) that I get laid off tomorrow.


Dr. Maureen said...

And the one place you want to live more than anywhere is Lowell, right? Go Lowell! Yay Lowell!

Beth said...

Is there a possibility that you could get laid off tomorrow? Is something happening? What's going down with the corporate shake-up these days?

I will pray to the dolphin on your behalf.

Dr. Maureen said...

Also, you could just call the ham "scrambled eggs" like they do in Buenos Aires.

nithya said...

No. No. No No No. NO!

Sorry for the selfishness, but you most certainly CANNOT leave NYC now. I'll be there! We can make fun of stupid, pompous NYC'ers together! It'll be great!

No. You ain't going now where, missy.

See you soon :)

Dr. Maureen said...

Nithya, Leah has a nasty habit of moving away just when you get into town. If history is any indication, we can assume that she will move to Philadelphia as soon about two months after you move to NYC.

Leah Lar said...

No corporate shake-up yet. But my former boss offered me a job the other day at a certain HUGE pharma in MA, and I said "no" without thinking and then thought "Wait, should I at least ask how much it pays?" Uncertainty bites.

I want a corporate shake-up just for the shake-up, because something's gotta give.

Nithya's being here will certainly help, but I don't know if that will help everything. Like it's not going to be more quiet and less humid and less screeching with tourists. But I *will* have someone here who knows me well, which will be nice. Woo!

Banalities said...

Dolphin? Have you been reading Douglas Adams lately?

As for NYC -- I think I've read that once Willem Dafoe gives you the stink-eye, you're cursed to spend the rest of your life in that place.