Monday, April 10, 2006

To Be Of the Planet Nice

Sometimes I feel like my boyfriend and I are from different planets, and not in the Mars and Venus sense. It's as though we were born and raised in differerent societies, him in a society of nice, understanding people wherein legal documents are not actually binding and where, if you're a nice person, it doesn't matter where you signed your name.

When we started all of this moving in together stuff, I said "Look, I have a two year lease that I am going to have to break."

"So what?" he said. "No big deal!"

"Well, it will cost $350 for me to break the lease."

"No it won't."

"Yes, it will."

"Why would it?"

"Because that is what they said when I signed the lease."

"Oh no, don't worry. If you're a good tenant and you always pay your rent, they won't charge you."

"I think they will."

"No, I don't think they really meant it."

"But why would they have said it if they didn't mean it?"

"They don't really mean it. You'll be rewarded for being a good tenant."

Well, they meant it. That doesn't bother me so much.

What bothers me is that D pushed me to move immediately, saying "Look, if they rent your place out, they'll give you the money for half the month. This way we can start saving money sooner."

"But what if they don't rent the place out?"

"They will rent the place out."

"But I already paid for April."

"They'll give you the money back."

"But I already gave it to them. I'm breaking the lease. I don't think they have to give it back. Why would they give it back?"

"Because they just will."

"I don't think they will."

"They will, don't worry."

Well, they won't.

And now I'm paying double rent, and who knows for how long? Because apparently when you sign a lease, you mean it, and you're responsible for all the rent until someone else rents your apartment. I wish I was from D's planet, where you don't actually have to pay rent or fees or do what you agreed to do because you are a nice person, surrounded by equally nice people.

This is not getting off to a good start. I feel like he pushed too much to move us in this quickly because he was so certain we'd get half the month's rent back, but now I'm not going to. And he is, and that's not fair, especially since he makes more money. So I have to pay double rent for an unknown duration, pay a lease-breaking fee, and also pay to move the freaking piano.

Aren't we doing this to save money?

I wish I was from D's planet.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Um, no dude, I wish D were from YOUR planet. Because your planet is called "planet reality" where people understand real concepts like the fact that landlords and building owners only care about one thing: money.

But, hang in there. It will all work out eventually. You are doing this for good reasons and it will be worth it in the long run.

Good luck!