Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I am a person who is possessive about ideas.

Possessive may not be the right word. It might be that I am just shy about my own ideas. I don't want them out there. I only want them to be available to special people, and, in most cases, a special person.

I'm not possessive about everything. I obviously have a blog and put a million ideas out there into the world every day. Personal things, words, that sort of thing. I don't, however, put ideas for screenplays or photo projects or whatever out there, because I may actually do them and I'd rather just have them be finished when people find out about them. Like the blog... I told people "Yeah, I'm doing this thing" and was then excited when I started it and all of the songs were there, complete. It ruled.

I didn't realize that I was possessive about ideas until I found myself with someone who felt compelled to broadcast my ideas to others. It is because he is proud and excited, and that's awesome. It makes me love him more, but I feel, though, that my ideas are mine, and that, if I would like others to know about them, I will choose to tell them and then do just that.

This causes tension. I don't know how to explain myself. I don't know how to explain this pet peeve without sounding like a paranoid loser.

I realized I had this pet peeve when we were standing around one day and he said "Hey, what do you think of this idea?" and started telling this random guy about this quick pillowtalk comment I'd made about how digital sheet music could be a cool thing. It was a conversation I didn't want to have. I didn't want to defend my idea. I hadn't thought it through enough to present it to the world. I wasn't ready. It was mine and it should be under my control.

The only time I said something to him about this was when he said, to a complete stranger, "Leah Lar has an awesome idea for a documentary!" and then started to tell her about it. "Tell her more about it!" he said to me. "No, really, I don't want to." "But it's awesome!" "Well, no, I'm not ready to talk about it." I didn't want to talk about it because this person is in the film industry. I didn't want to talk about it because it was none of her business. I didn't want to talk about it because it was an idea I'd had that I'd told only the person closest to me because that's what you do, right? It's part of intimacy. I don't go around telling everyone everything. I don't tell the same things to every person. You have different sorts of relationships with people.

Last night we were tipsy and listening to 80's music and pretending that we were in middle school. It was silly and wonderful. After we'd finished pretending, I said "You know what there should be? There should be a lip synch contest at work! What ever happened to lip synching? People were all over that in the 80's!" I went on and on about how it would work, and what the categories would be. I said "And it would be, like, you'd have to do it as a group! A boss and his/her employee. You and your boss would definitely win for best hair. And most elusive. And cutest."

"We used to do things like this all the time," he said, "when we were smaller."

"We should totally do it."


"I don't know."

"We could do it in the conference room."

"No," I said. "We should wait until we move to the new facility. There's supposedly going to be an auditorium there. We could have it in there! It could be like our inaugural event!"

I wasn't even serious about it. It was something that seemed adorable at the time, but can you imagine? A lip synch contest at work?

I got an email from him this morning that said "I talked to NH about the lip synch contest. She said she's going to see what she can do."


First of all: My idea! If I want to pursue it, I'll pursue it.

Second of all: If the lip synch contest happens and is a success, everyone will think that it was NH's idea or, worse, his.

Third of all: Privacy!

I guess I'm just possessive of relationships and ideas and specificity.

If I want everyone to know about an idea I've had, I'll tell everyone. Things said within the confines of a relationship should not go beyond that.

Am I shy or insane?

I don't know.

My guess is that he would think me insane, which is why I can't say "Could you stop telling everyone about the things I say to you in private?"

It's also a throwback to the old days when my parents would force me to play piano in front of other people. It puts you on the spot. It's very uncomfortable. "Tell the nice people about your idea, honey!"

"If I wanted to tell them, I'd have told them, honey."

I blame the weather. The weather is making me insane!

Right. That's it.


Dr. Maureen said...

Dude, why would you pretend you were in middle school? Gah. That is the one period in my life that would be the most tortorous to relive.

Beth said...

You are not crazy. It's the whole LACK OF A FILTER thing. Agggh! I would be pissed.

Leah Lar said...

The beauty is that middle school was, indeed, torture, and reliving it just reminds you how awesome it is to be an adult.