Friday, August 06, 2004

Listening to Clinton Is Like Sleeping With Your Ex

Genre: Cute Short Song
Date: 7.26.04


I think the title says it all. The original song had a bunch of policy-type issues in it, but I realized that all I was really trying to say was that listening to Clinton speak at the DNC made me the perfect combination of nostalgic and unnecessarily hopeful that I became delusional.


I'm proposing that we revamp the US constitution
So we can reelect Bill Clinton

Listening to Clinton is like sleeping with your ex
Who you miss and who you love, with whom you fucked things up
It fixes things in the immediate
Things seem FINE when Clinton speaks
Sadly in two weeks reality sets in
You'll be reminded who you're now in bed with
And we'll all be depressed again

I'm proposing that we revamp the US consitution
So we can reelect Bill Clinton
And if you won't listen to me then
Hopefully we'll get Hillary

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