Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Too Much Sleep

I slept too much last night and had dreams that involved:

1. Myself as Marie Antoinette (curse you, New York Post, for being left in the lunch room open to a weird little article about Marie Antoinette!), being romantically entangled with Johnny Depp who was a member of the court who was going to try to kidnap me so I wouldn't have to continue my loveless relationship with Louis Whichever.

2. Shopping with a coworker who I would never shop with in real life at a store that sold only super balls and weirdly scented lotions, which was owned by an old witch/hag and a talking dolphin.

3. Having a photography job photographing old bridges, Bridges-of-Madison-County- style.

4. Singing in a variety show and being terribly unprepared. And so it begins...


Beth said...

Dude, is the show tonight!!!??? I am so excited! I wish I could be there to cheer you on!! Leah ROCKS!!

Leah Lar said...

hah. no, not yet!!! i just got confirmation yesterday that it's definitely happening and i have no excuse not to do it, so i'll be having nightmares every night until its done. believe me, you'll know when its looking because the blog will be even more neurotic than usual. awesome!!!