Thursday, November 16, 2006

SPF 15 Packets From Work

I planned a light day at work so I would have time to contemplate fluid ounces and party cloudy weather reports.

I am trying to decide if I should check a bag or purchase zip loc bags. I don't even know if everything I want to bring will fit in a carry-on. The accursed camera(s) ruin(s) everything. As do the six books I am bringing. But I am bringing only bathing suits and light clothes and flip flops and possibly one extra pair of sneakers, because I refuse to pack fancy clothes and fancy shoes when going on a relaxing vacation. I think it will all fit in the small suitcase. But then the zip loc issue. I have to bring sunscreen and it kills me to have to buy it again when I already have enough to last me eternity given how much New Yorkers go swimming in the summer.

We leave tomorrow at 7:15 for my first ever relaxing vacation. I will be swimming up to the pool to get drinks and won't think that I am a dweeb, because I won't be thinking about anything at all! I would be really excited about this if I had any energy, but boring days at work drain me.

I am also busily contemplating a pet peeve of mine, which is when someone says "I will call you on such-and-such-a-day at such-and-such-a-time" and then don't! Why do that to someone? I realize this is to make the person feel better about himself or herself, but it makes the other person feel terrible because they will ultimately be disappointed after looking forward to something. Someone promised something yesterday and we are all freaking out today because we still haven't heard. I really wanted to wrap this up before leaving for vacation, but I guess I'll have to remain hanging. I hate when people tease.

Teasing is definitely in my top 5 pet peeves.

Another pet peeve of mine is when there are 4 zillion available seats on the subway and someone chooses to sit right next to me.

Still another is the promise of a petite line online, only to learn that most pants are not available in petite, and even when they are, and you put them in your cart at 6:00 one night because you don't have time to order them, they are no longer available by the following morning. Where can a girl get a pair of black pants for the love of god!?

I'm not sure how I feel about skinny pants. Inherently I think that they are hideous, but I have this suspicion that they may look half decent on me because they might not actually be skinny. I wouldn't know, though, because I can't find any that fit.

One pet love is when a CD you ordered arrives way sooner than you expected, and before vacation! Yeah!

Another pet love is online quizzes. Apparently I know nothing about the factors that predict whether or not a marriage will work. I think the only question I got right was about whether it was easier for a person who grew up with divorced parents or a person who grew up with fighting/lame/mismatched/neurotic/codependent/poor role model parents to maintain healthy relationships/marriages as adults.

One pet peeve is poor communication, and another is sole responsibility for communicating. There are so many things that I don't know about him that he knows about me, such as career aspirations. How can I not know these things?

Another pet love is jokes at work. Somebody sent me an email yesterday just to mess with me, and it made my week. Of course I subsequently had a dream about him that woke me up with a start. And then, of course, I had another and another. I know what it all means.

I was thinking about Father Figure as a concept (not as a song) on the way to work this morning. Why do some people look for it and others retreat from it? If you're not used to being taken care of, you either desperately want someone to take care of and pay attention to you or you get annoyed when someone takes care of you or pays too much attention to you. I think in relationships I end up being the latter and choose men who won't even notice me because that's what I grew up with (and then ultimately get annoyed that he's too busy or not listening to what I say or not paying attention to the relationship, even though this is ultimately what I selected him for in the first place), but then I dream about someone totally different.

A pet love is doting fathers. I wonder how wives feel about that. It must be hard at the beginning, but maybe you don't even notice because you're too busy doting too.

OK. I am going to stop now because I need to walk a bit so I don't fall asleep.

I'm off to Mexico, kids, so the blog won't be back until the Monday after Thanksgiving as I am officially without internet at home. Darn you, savvy neighbors, for shutting me out! I deserve it, and I shouldn't complain, but its making me sad. So no blog, no photos, no music. Nothing. I had no idea how much of my existence had been transferred to the web. Weird.

Enjoy Thanksgiving and time with your families!

Until next time...


Anonymous said...

Doting fathers are totally awesome and I end up standing around to watch my men instead of going to take a shower or whatever I was supposed to do while A held J.

Beth said...

Dude, I zeroed in on the doting fathers thing, too. I hope that I marry a doting father- I think that makes a man even MORE attractive, when he is truly a good father and in love with his kids. I think maybe it is hard for men, though, when women become mothers and focus all their attention on the kids. Some men. Not all. Hopefully.