Monday, January 10, 2005

Blade - Friend to Science

I saw Blade 3 this weekend.

I have many thoughts, but I am going to save them for, well, a song!

I do, however, want to mention that the Blade franchise is all about science.

In the original Blade, we were thrilled to learn that our very own EDTA can be used to kill vampires!

I saw Blade 2, and remember nothing other than the facts that it sucked and that someone said "Smells like neurotoxin!" Shout out to neurotoxins, which, incidentally, do not smell.

Blade 3 was the most science-y of all! The plot crucially rested upon the engineering of a retrovirus that could take out vampires! Apparently Natasha Lyonne, blind and thin again, singlehandedly engineered a virus without a lab? but bit it before the final step, which involved the hybridizing of the virus to Dracula's blood!!! Yes! SCIENCE!!! She also said things like "Taq polmerase" and "genetic cloning enzymes."

Most people were getting excited about the weaponry and violence, but I geeked out completely over polymerase.

That is all.


Dr. Maureen said...

Dude, I saw *Blade* and it was the longest 90 minutes of my life. I looked at my watch a billion times. I cannot believe you liked it! Ugh. Granted, I saw it as part of a last-thing-before-grad-school night, so I did not yet know what EDTA was. Knowing that would have made it marginally more enjoyable. Terrible terrible movie. (Needless to say, I did not see the other two, so I can't comment.)


Beth said...

Whoa. Mo! I don't mean to start a controversy on L's weblog, but I must protest that there are MANY rabid Blade fans out there, myself being one. Be careful how you speak about Blade! Okay, the movies have a generic, cheesy, sci-fi thing going on, BUT they are cool because they are about VAMPIRES, they include MARTIAL ARTS, there is generally cool music and good choreography and there are EXCELLENT VILLAINS. Stephen Dorff, in the first Blade, and Parker Posey, in the third Blade, are prime examples of superior villany. Also, you have to appreciate the amount of skin and eye candy which is offered for both male and female appreciation. In the first Blade, Wesley Snipes was looking BUFF and he was half-naked. In the third movie, he is clearly not as CUT and is covered by black cloth the entire time but that is OKAY because the Dracula dude was HOT. Even Jessica Biel got all ripped for her role, and I don't generally appreciate her but I liked her kick-buttedness in this movie.

Okay, I admit that the plot and storyline is weak. The dialogue is frequently inane. The presence (and absence and presence again) of Kris Kristofferson is baffling. Blade 2 is completely negligible. It was an anomoly. Ignore it. Only watch Blade 1 and Blade 3. You may find that you like Blade 3 better than Blade 1. Blade 1 stands apart because it has the BEST opening sequence of any movie. Any movie. Hands down. This cannot be argued. It has the coolest music and the coolest fight scene and the best concept for the first 10 minutes of any movie I have ever seen. It's a blood shower, vampire rave and orgy thing followed by incredible fighting. It's unbelievable. Really. I'm that adamant about it. Blade 3 doesn't have the same awesome beginning, but it has consistently great fighting, great villians, funnier dialogue (purposefully funny), better side kicks, better female roles, and I could go on. But, I don't really care which is better. We all agree, Blade 2 sucks. Blade 1 is truly unique and wonderful in many ways. Blade 3 is equally awesome, and that is suprising for a sequel spun out a couple times.

Whew. I had to get that off my chest. I feel better now. Thank you.

Dr. Maureen said...

Beth, I think we should start a flame war using Leah's blog as the medium.


That's how they work, right? Personal attacks because of differences of opinion?

At any rate, I stand by my opinion. I was absolutely miserable while sitting through the first movie, and I couldn't wait for it to be over. I don't remember much of it except for a gross bloody liquefication or something at the end (which I now deduce from Leah's synopsis was because of chelated calcium ions, but I didn't know what EDTA was at the time) and that Wesley Snipes annoyed the CRAP out of me. I can't remmber why. I think it was bad dialogue, but I've blocked most of the movie out so I can't be sure. So I don't plan to see it again or see the other ones. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Oh, wait, I mean I guess we'll have to agree that YOU SUCK! THE MOVIE SUCKS! YOU SUCK!