The party was thrown at a spare loft owned by an employee of my company who apparently started out small here but who made his way up and also made lots of money on stock. He still works, but owns all sorts of real estate throughout the city and rents out this particular space either for parties or for $10,000 a month.
It's interesting to see how the other half lives. It's hard to be jealous, though, because he started off working in facilities. Good for him. He made himself.
At any rate, it was a lavish party with remarkable food and dense drinks. I was trashed after drinking only 1/3 of my first rum and coke despite having stuffed myself with all sorts of food.
The loft was gigantic. There were probably 200 people there and it felt like there were no people. We decided that we could set it up orphanage-style and put like 20 sets of bunk beds and all split the rent. It's absurd that 40 people could, realistically, live in this space.
The conversation was good. Stiff drinks guarantee that.
Here is a picture from the party:
I don't know how I feel about this. On the one hand, belly dancing is cool and interesting and more of an art form than a display of sexuality. This being said, would they have hired a belly dancer had a female VP retired? Certainly not. Is this inappropriate at a work function? I think so. Do I care? Not as much as I'd predicted. I guess I just don't care about anything involving work.
Only in NYC.
You will all be happy to know that R, again, was drunk and saying things like "You know whatttt? I lufffff you...." and "You haf the mosht beautiful eyeshhhhh I've efer seen... doesn't she haffff the most beautiful eyessss?" to various women. D and I tried to extract (incidentally, this was all very cute because D and I became friends at the first company party I attended while escorting R home and we kissed for the first time at the second company party I attended) and R wouldn't have it. He grabbed D's coat and said "I haffff D's coat... you cantttt leave.... no kishing.... I haffff his coat... HAH! HAH HAH HAH. I haffff your coat. Wait - whose coat is thisssh? Why am I holding thisss coat?" and then threw D's coat on the floor.
Bench Buddy took R home this time. Well, they walked home together since they live near each other and Bench Buddy said "Hey, dude, let's go into my apartment and make mac and cheese!" so R joined him and immediately passed out.
D and I walked around the city for a bit but I was weepy and moody from the rain and from drinking too much and from missing my friends from home and from appreciating the few that I have here. He wanted to show me some hotels, but I wanted to get home safely (my neighborhood is sketchy at night so I don't like to walk around post-11:00 while alone) and take a warm shower and enjoy some much-needed sleep.
When I got home, a card had arrived for me from my friend MT, who I haven't spoken with in ages. It was a card with an Amish Man on it.
How much do I love mail? And the Amish? It made me more weepy, but in a good way, because I felt loved. Mail is good like that. I need to buy some stamps so I can send people notes. Well, I need to find a place in this damn city that sells cute cards with Amish people on them.
This morning I overslept because I had a hard time sleeping last night because I think I may have passed another kidney stone! Wtf? Dehydration will do that to you. Or, it could have just been a drunken tactile hallucination. I don't know. Either way, I was exhausted and decided to just sleep in.
Someone was buzzing my apartment all morning and I was pissed. There was to be no electricity or hot water in the building today, so I just assumed it was someone trying to get into the building by any means possible.
Not so. I ordered some light bulbs online and they arrived while I was actually home (when does that ever happen?) but I didn't answer the door because I was either paranoid about or irked by someone summoning me.
I am now doubly annoyed with myself. I have this fantastic floor lamp that I discovered while in Miami years ago and ended up ordering online. It takes little and extremely delicate halogen bulbs. When I moved to Brooklyn from Somerville, one of the bulbs ended up breaking so I bought one in the city. Each of these bulbs retails for $4, and the lamp takes ten of them.
Anyway, while packing for this move, I remember thinking "OK, I don't want them to break this time, so I will pack them very carefully!" I apparently also thought "I will pack them in an extremely clever and protected place where I will never find them again! Mwa ha ha!"
They are the only items I misplaced during the move. I am annoyed with myself, because how could I be so stupid? There are a few places I thought I packed them, but no. Gone. Vanished. Disappeared. I finally admitted to myself at the beginning of the week that the bulbs are, indeed, gone (well, not gone - I'll find them when I pack to move out of this apartment) and ordered new ones online. I found them for like $1.37 a bulb and ordered ten of them and then had to pay like another $8 for shipping. Ridiculous.
And now they are in New York City but I can't get them. Well, I can pick them up at the place they delivered them to but its rainy and disgusting and I don't want to go all the way to the very west side. I had them delivered to work, but I probably won't get them until next week. They were right there this morning but I was too much of a retard to take the chance of letting a potential serial killer into my building. I don't know why I didn't have them shipped to work in the first place.
I blame the weather.
Speaking of which, why is it winter?!?!?
And... in more exciting news... thank you, M, I think I am going to make a bid on EBay this afternoon for the first time!
A week of firsts. Coupons, Ebay, when will the madness end?